Spiritual Psychology

Spiritual Psychology begins with the premise that we are indeed divine beings having a human experience. That said, when we face issues in our lives, also known as our life's curiculum, we are directly ingaged in the process of healing the lessons our life has given us to heal.
Healing issues for the last time involves first, setting an intention to go for the deepest level of healing available and then beginning to work the process of soul evolution.
Spiritual Psychology is the study and practice of the art and science
of a positive shift in consciousness. To engage in this, we must
begin by understanding—what does it mean to evolve or grow? In short, it means learning how to identify, recognize, and navigate life successfully. Practically, it means
learning how to surrender - or let go of - anything that disturbs your peace.
It also means sacrificing our illusions of separation. Essentially, this
“surrendering” and “sacrificing” is work that can and has been called “healing,”
which includes healing on the physical, mental, and emotional levels in service
to the deeper revelation of who we truly are as Loving, Peaceful,
Compassionate, and Joyful beings. We refer to this level of awareness as the
Authentic Self.
Healing issues for the last time involves first, setting an intention to go for the deepest level of healing available and then beginning to work the process of soul evolution.
Spiritual Psychology is the study and practice of the art and science
of a positive shift in consciousness. To engage in this, we must
begin by understanding—what does it mean to evolve or grow? In short, it means learning how to identify, recognize, and navigate life successfully. Practically, it means
learning how to surrender - or let go of - anything that disturbs your peace.
It also means sacrificing our illusions of separation. Essentially, this
“surrendering” and “sacrificing” is work that can and has been called “healing,”
which includes healing on the physical, mental, and emotional levels in service
to the deeper revelation of who we truly are as Loving, Peaceful,
Compassionate, and Joyful beings. We refer to this level of awareness as the
Authentic Self.